What is web design for your business in 2024

what is web design
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Web design has greatly improved since the first website was launched in 1991. Today, there are over a billion active websites, proving the industry’s longevity. WordPress is a platform for many web design professionals and enthusiasts, helping the industry grow. If you’re interested in web design, you’re in the right place. This article will focus on the importance of web design, provide useful tips, define key terms and concepts, and offer examples for better understanding.

01. What is web design?

Web design is the process of organizing content on a website to make it accessible and shareable online. It involves both aesthetic and functional aspects, including the website’s colors, fonts, graphics, and user interface. It’s a key part of establishing an online presence. As such, web design is always changing to meet the needs of website owners and visitors, including the use of mobile apps and user interface design. It often involves collaboration with experts from related fields like statistics, SEO optimization, and UX to improve performance and achieve better results.

Before, web design mainly targeted desktop browsers. But since the mid-2010s, designing for mobile and tablet browsers has become more important.

02. Web design vs. website development

First, let’s understand the difference between web design and website development. Web design focuses on the look and feel of a website. We’ll talk more about this later. On the other hand, website development is about building and maintaining a website’s structure. This involves complex coding to make sure the website works well. Web developers often use basic markup languages to build a website.

HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is a code used to build websites. It sets up the structure of a webpage, which web browsers then turn into the sites we see online. CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is a design code that determines how a webpage looks. It works with HTML to set the style and format of a website, including layout, fonts, and spacing. But, if you use a Content Management System (CMS) like WordPress, you don’t need to know code to create or update a website. A CMS is a user-friendly tool for building website content.

03. Designing tools

Web designers need specific tools to build and design. The tools you use depend on several factors. You should think about your team size, budget, site’s technical needs, desired look, whether you want an adaptive or responsive design, and your website’s purpose. Your answers will guide you in choosing the right website builder or other design software tools.

Website builders like Wix are excellent because they don’t need coding and provide ready-to-use templates for all industries. These tools are perfect for beginners as they can be easily personalized in terms of visuals and functions. For more skilled web designers, Editor X is the best platform as it offers advanced features for layouts, interactions, effects, and designs. Design software like Figma, Photoshop, and Sketch can be used to make wireframes, custom features, and design elements. However, these tools need all elements to be converted to code. While they offer creative flexibility and teamwork features like hand-off to web developers, they may need more time, knowledge, and resources. As you become more experienced with various web design tools, you’ll know which ones are best for you and your business.

04. Principles of design applied to websites

Understanding web design starts with knowing what good web design looks like and how to create it. We can refer to design principles, a theory used by artists and designers that highlights the visual qualities a composition should aim for. Using these principles in web design can help both new and experienced designers create a site with a balanced look and feel. These aren’t strict rules, but guidelines to help us use different elements of a website’s design. As Picasso said, learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist. Once you understand the purpose of web design and get familiar with each website element, you can add your own creative touch.

05. Website layouts

Designing your website layout is like building its base. It sets the order and placement of visuals on your site’s pages. This important part of web design affects how your site looks, how easy it is to use, and how well it communicates your message. The best layout depends on your site’s purpose, the message you want to send, and the type of content you’ll have. There’s no single perfect solution, but you have two main options.

Choose a layout that suits your content: Pick a layout that matches what you’re sharing. For instance, if you’re displaying products, choose a layout with plenty of room for pictures. If you’re writing a blog, select a layout that presents new information clearly.

Common layouts: Many effective website layouts are available. These are often familiar to users because they match their previous website experiences. They can be ideal for beginners as they usually offer a user-friendly interface.

06. Functional components of web design

Website functionality means how your website operates, including its speed, user-friendliness, and the actions it can perform. Websites today are much faster and more efficient than they were in the 90s. Thanks to improvements in web design, we should use the latest tools to ensure our websites work well and are simple to use.

Let’s go over the components of web design that will affect how your site functions:

  • Navigation
  • Speed
  • SEO
  • UX
  • Adaptive design vs. responsive design

07. Visual elements of web design

The look of a website is as crucial as how it works. Elements like color schemes, fonts, and videos help shape your brand and affect how users interact with your site. In today’s fast-paced reading culture, it’s vital to make every detail stand out. This section will guide you through the visual aspects of web design and provide tips for making your own design choices.

  • Website header
  • Website footer
  • Color scheme
  • Typography
  • Website background
  • Imagery
  • Animation

08. Website maintenance

The web design industry is always introducing new features and tools. This fast-paced environment means you need to keep your website updated with a maintenance plan. After your initial design, you’ll need to update your website to keep the content fresh and the design current. Outdated elements on your website can harm visitor interactions, leading to lower performance and sales.

Regularly check your website, at least once a month, to ensure there are no issues, everything functions well, and your information is up-to-date. When thinking about a redesign, consider changes that keep your web design current, make it easier to use, or boost its performance. This could involve adding new visual content, an extra page, improving SEO, or conducting an accessibility audit.

09. Web design inspiration

We’ve gone over web design basics, now let’s look at some creative examples. You can find web design inspiration on sites like Behance, Awwwards, and Pinterest. We at WordPress keep up with web design trends and always look for top user-created websites. We enjoy seeing how different users, from artists to small business owners, use our product.

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